Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Marshmallow world in the winter

Well I'm happy to say that sleep finally came that week. Insomnia for 1 week was more than i could take so I was very happy to have that cured.

I've never been a good sleeper. Sometimes it takes forever to fall asleep, sometimes I need to have music on to get there. I can't sleep in unless I'm really sick. Just like I cannot for the life of me take a nap midday unless I'm sick. It's weird to some people, but I can't explain why or how. The idea of staying in bed late into the morning/afternoon can be appealing, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't happen for me. When it does though...I relish in it :)

Kate and I were catching up via email yesterday about our respective weekends and she was sharing with me that she finally got some sleep of her own, and therefore had a relatively uneventful weekend. She's been really under the weather for the past few weeks and on top of it is quitting smoking (which is AMAZING and we are so happy and proud of her for taking this on), and hasn't been sleeping well at all. Many many sleepless nights that rival my own insomnia. So after a late Friday night out with us girls, Saturday meant sleeping in and, how did she spend the rest of her day? Snuggled up with her fiancé who visits from Toronto every weekend. That may not be an eventful weekend but it sounds like a pretty perfect Saturday afternoon to me!

Looking back at the first month of 2011....I am amazed at how different a schedule I have been keeping. Girls nights have been far and few in 2010 - we've all just got lots on our plate and when it came time to get together, we usually opted for something low key and affordable. In the recent weeks, I have gone out almost every weekend. There was always something to go to or do, a show to see or people to meet up with. have I already started feeling the effects of it. Living downtown is the biggest culprit. Everything is either a short walk or cab ride away, which means less money spent getting to and from places, but apparently this also means money that i dont have being spent on cover and drinks that should be going to other that big ol' scary thing i reference from time to time: my credit debt.

Which is why Monday morning's string of emails from Michelle and Steph were exactly what I needed to put things back into perspective. Starting a new budget, which is an item on my 101 list, and getting things under control is going to be how I will make this a good year financially. I've also added a resolution which is to have a certain amount of money saved up by this time next year. It is now included in my budget and fingers are crossed I can make it happen. I know that I can, it's just a matter of following through.

A few other items to check off for the month are two new recipes tried. The first was dinner on Sunday (so technically this item belongs to the month of January). Sunday after returning home from a window shopping excursion with the girls and realizing I hadn't really eaten much, decided that it being 4 pm meant that lunch and dinner were going to be a single meal. Being low on ingredients I was pleasantly surprised to find the frozen shrimp I had bought a few weeks ago. MMmmm. Shrimp linguine and a cream cheese based sauce with some diced veggies tossed in the pan. Ended up being a much more elaborate meal than I originally thought. The other recipe I tried was last night out of pure boredom and lack of anything "bad" (i.e. chips) to eat. Though it's a one-ingredient dish I'm counting it towards the "new recipe" category as I've never done it before. I made this: So tasty especially with chocolate peanut butter is not my thing. I love

Outside my window is a snow globe. We are supposed to get a pretty decent dumping of snow today as a storm roars through Southern Ontario and up our way.... and that we can expect to only see half of what is expected elsewhere. I heard something about Chicago getting close to 50 cm today?? So that said and looking outside I have to say that yes, yes, we are getting an ok deal here in Ottawa in that case. But...I am again day dreaming back to my NC road trip that found me on a surfboard in the Atlantic and ohhhh if I only that were me right now. Sun beating down, waves rocking underneath and getting prepped to catch the next wave. Bliss. Ohh and there were dolphins, did I mention dolphins ?? :)

Though with all this snow, maybe what I should be thinking is "show me to the hills and pass me my board". A surfboard and hot weather it may not be, but my confidence in snow boarding is renewed again. That now said though, what I REALLY wish for .... is to be at Tremblant again. 

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