Now she's back (YAY!) and her stories have made me ache even more to just get the heck outa dodge and see more of the world that is waiting for me to see it.
Anyhow, back to the wonderful man I got to spend my down time with for a week. It was a great experience. It's probably the most time we have spent together since we began dating almost 4 months ago. Things with Shawn have seemed to just easily, so easily, fall into place. We clicked practically from day one. His open and warm smile, and his (lame) jokes are the first thing that brought me in. It took him 2 weeks to pop the date question. On one hand, it came outa no where, but yet, at the same time, I thought "took you long enough!".
Now almost 4 months later, it feels like I've known him for longer than I've known most of my closest friends. He's also fit in quite well with the closest of them, which has been very important to me. My girls are the pillars in my life. There's family and then there are those who are like family, just as close as family, and I have some pretty amazing people in my life whom I count in that group. I love them and I don't know what I would do if they were to disappear.
Shawn - well he's made life interesting since he came into my life. For a couple of 4 months we have actually had a couple of ups and downs that we've both weathered through mostly unscathed, and I have little fear of what is to come for us next. We have talked really openly about where we are at right now and at time where, in the past, is often when I get cold feet and jump ship, I feel glued to this spot and I don't want to move. And "playing house" for a week in a beautiful home, pet included, things were pretty...nice :) Making dinner together, taking walks, doing chores together, just spending down time with each other... and...oh especially BBQing - my favourite as I live in an apartment where we can't have BBQs or grills on the balconies - things just felt right. I know 4 months is early, but I already know that Shawn is someone special and someone who I know will stay in my future.
Thank you Gen and Steve for allowing us to watch over your beautiful home while you were gone. If it wasn't for not wanting to live on Reactine any longer, poor Tugger would have been kidnapped home with me!! You have a lovely home. And p.s. I love my little piece of Italy, Gen. You can never go wrong with jewellery with this girl. ;)
Ohhhh and before I go, a few updates...
A new book is on the go thanks to Kate (I may have mentioned this in a past post)...I've been slowly going through it as August has been a crazy month, but with fall I feel curling up with a book will be done much more easily, especially will the fresh weather we've been having since last week.
I also hit my two recipes a month goal this time around. An Oreo-Cheesecake for dessert the night Shawn and I were at Gen and Steve's prior to their departure. I also tried my hand for the first time at cabbage rolls. Verdict = good but I did not season the meat enough. Should have used a bit more salt. They cooked well, but it just needed more...taste. But overal, I'm pleased. I was worried they would turn out uncooked or just....a mess. Next...I've got my eyes set on making Moussaka and maybe...Lasagna...? Or another dessert... Baking has always been my favourite. My dad mentioned they were "low" on oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Just a hint I guess!
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