Monday, April 20, 2009

Just a little thank you...

Tor has been a good friend of mine since we bonded in our grade 9 creative writing class. Something in those hours of poetry, made-up-vocabulary sessions, character studies and whatever else we were forced to conjure up from our most creative recesses of our minds brought us together and we have been tight ever since. Of course we also bonded over the fact that were both young girls who were absolutely boy-crazy (and still are) Hahaha! Tor started her '101 in 1001' journey last spring and it is she who has inspired me to start my own. She is someone I admire for many reasons, one of them being that she has been very determined to go for what she wants. I have every inclination to believe that she will find herself real, honest to goodness true happiness in whatever she does.

She also has the best style and clothes, and that alone is something I can always appreciate :)

As I mentioned earlier, I have often thought of starting a blog which is a relatively new desire of mine that surfaced sometime during my university years studying Communications. I never followed through because I often felt like I didn't really have anything that I really wanted or needed to put "out there". Two years ago I began working in the Marketing and Communications department at the Gallery. One of my new colleagues was Gen, who since then has become a dear friend and whom I can lovingly refer to as a surrogate big sister. Many hours have been spent at the Starbucks up the street over lunch pouring over the latest in each others lives. She has intently (and patiently!) listened to my stories on family and friends, my aspirations, my fears, my dreams, happy and sad times, very sad times, amoung other things. Oh and let's not forget boys! Not only is she willing to lend an ear she is also often the kick in the butt that I need, whether I want it or not. And that is something I am truly grateful for because I know how stubborn I can be. And it only endears me to her more.

Though I am getting off track! Gen is a very talented writer, and it is her very own blog that inspired me to choose this as my first step of 101 things I would like to accomplish over 1001 days. Once I have her permission, you'll find a link to see for yourselves why she has been such an inspiration to me. She's also a very talented up-and-coming wedding photographer. You'll be able to find a link to her site from my blog soon.

Thank you both for being such inspirations :)

Tor and I out in Montreal

Gen, Julie and me in Major's Hill Park

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