Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Time flies....

....When you're having fun! I recently came to the realisation that...other than it being many months since my last post, that I am around the 6 month mark - 6 months left before my 101 list is up. Eep!!

I could go over the last few months but I don't even know where to begin - other than to say there's been many up's and down's. I just celebrated my 27th birthday this past holiday weekend and was it awesome? Hells yeah!!! Ashley and I saw Katy Perry at the ACC. It was my first time there, and I also got to fit in my first Jays game, go up the CN Tower (nearly loosing my stomach) all spent in some very good company.

So let's get to it - what's left? Well, #6 will be accomplished next month, I am headed back to Maine with my family for a week. Might even get to to strike #81, go surfing again, at the same time :)

I managed to scratch off number #45 - renewed my passport in April which was great timing for my birthday weekend as I was surprised to be taken on a shopping trip over the boarder (thought it nearly came to a quick end when I failed to turn up my passport before leaving).

Hmm...have not even picked up a French novel since making my that will have to go on the new one!!! Along with a few others....I have too many tasks to accomplish in such a short amount of time, but in the same breath, there is so much that I can. Looks like I'll be scrap booking my travels, baking up my files, and sewing myself something, hopefully with the help of my mom's ancient sewing machine. Might get down to the east coast to visit Sam and little Z. Maybe I'll pick up Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance and take my second attempt at getting that wrapped up. Would also love to start painting again....that canvas and brush set given to me for my 25th birthday by Jocey is still untouched. I should look into taking that art class as well as maybe join Steph for some salsa dancing.... I can hear her saying DO IT!! I hear you! 

The first car...well that is pretty clear that that is not happening - after moving downtown it's not really a priority. but learning how to drive standard is going to be accomplished by the end of this summer, I'm lucky my sister is willing and persistent to teach me.

What else is there to accomplish - I seem to have a couple of items that require me to be on a rollercoaster - haha, perhaps I can make that trip to Montreal before the summer season ends and get myself to La Ronde as well as get in a visit the Biodome.

So much to do and I haven't even listed them all. If you're at all curious to see exactly what I am going to be getting into (and what I have actually accomplished) I have the list of accomplished and remaining tasks linked to the blog. 

I usually try and give you a peak of how the time since my last post has been passed but I've been a little less snap happy I guess! There was a Joys night, some St Paddy's day shenanigans, road trips, drive-ins and the start of patio season. Birthdays and milestones, sad and painful goodbyes, happy new additions and so many things, more than I could have imagined would fill the past 6 months. If there's anything that I've come to know for certain in the past couple of years is the importance of not taking those you love for granted and making most of the time you have with them. 

A little St Paddy's day fun!

ESD Poutine's - Kate's birthday

Drive-In night to see The Hangover II (believe this crossed an item of someone's list!)

Ashley and I waiting to see Katy Perry :)

It's a long way down!!

Snapped this while on my awesome and very random Montreal day trip to visit and shop with Cherry!

Wine and cards by solar lamp light - A laid back Saturday night on the rooftop with Tor :)
The first of the season I think!

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