Other fun news: I feel like I'm one of the last to join this bandwagon but I recently heard about 1000awesomethings.com and the book that was just recently published based on the blog. I've started reading recent and past entries at least once a day, and I think it's absolutely brilliant!! Or I guess I should say, I think its awesome :) It's sort of like a daily reminder of how many seemingly insignificant moments in life are often worth taking the time to enjoying them to their fullest and realizing just how awesome these small things are in the bigger picture.
I stopped by the display in Chapters the other day and flipped through the book (The Book of Awesome) and the first page I opened it to read (and I am paraphrasing because I do not remember the exact wording) 'when you hit the elevator button and it's there waiting for you.' "Ding! AWESOME". And isn't it? If you live in an apartment building with tempermental elevators like I do then you completely understand this. We have three elevators in our building and it seems that one is always sitting on one of the high floors, the other is in service for moving things, and the other one is out of service and has been for weeks/days/sometimes months. So when I get home from work after a long day or when I'm running late in the morning and that elevator is waiitng for me as soon as I hit up/down, it really is awesome :) So I thank Neil Pasricha, the creator behind 1000awesomethings.com, for giving a nod to all the awesome things that happen to us daily, and pointing out that we should celebrate more often the awesome small things and worry less about the small not-so-awesome things.
More awesome news: I will be moving in to my new place soon. I can barely contain how excited I am. And then I look at my stuff and realize how much I need to scale down or else I will be living in very tight quarters with all of my belongings with little room to move around! So I've made that my project for the week along with painting a few things and then in 2 weeks time, I will be on the move. Time flies when you're busy and having awesome times :)