Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Wow! Thank you to the lovely people who came out to support me and my Relay for Life team at our Yard Sale last weekend. We raised over $650 dollars!!! Thank you, Thank you , Thank you! It ended up being a great day with great weather. Overcast at times, the sun would not fail to come out and warm us all up for a bit and brighten our spirits :) It also felt good to get rid of some old things that will now get a new life with someone else.

My team Angels for Alice at our very awesome and successful yard sale

Other fun news: I feel like I'm one of the last to join this bandwagon but I recently heard about 1000awesomethings.com and the book that was just recently published based on the blog. I've started reading recent and past entries at least once a day, and I think it's absolutely brilliant!! Or I guess I should say, I think its awesome :) It's sort of like a daily reminder of how many seemingly insignificant moments in life are often worth taking the time to enjoying them to their fullest and realizing just how awesome these small things are in the bigger picture.

I stopped by the display in Chapters the other day and flipped through the book (The Book of Awesome) and the first page I opened it to read (and I am paraphrasing because I do not remember the exact wording) 'when you hit the elevator button and it's there waiting for you.' "Ding! AWESOME". And isn't it? If you live in an apartment building with tempermental elevators like I do then you completely understand this. We have three elevators in our building and it seems that one is always sitting on one of the high floors, the other is in service for moving things, and the other one is out of service and has been for weeks/days/sometimes months. So when I get home from work after a long day or when I'm running late in the morning and that elevator is waiitng for me as soon as I hit up/down, it really is awesome :) So I thank Neil Pasricha, the creator behind 1000awesomethings.com, for giving a nod to all the awesome things that happen to us daily, and pointing out that we should celebrate more often the awesome small things and worry less about the small not-so-awesome things.

More awesome news: I will be moving in to my new place soon. I can barely contain how excited I am. And then I look at my stuff and realize how much I need to scale down or else I will be living in very tight quarters with all of my belongings with little room to move around! So I've made that my project for the week along with painting a few things and then in 2 weeks time, I will be on the move. Time flies when you're busy and having awesome times :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

As I've mentioned a couple of times in past posts I'm participating in the Ottawa-Neapean area Relay for Life this year with a group of good friends. The Relay takes place on June 11th 2010. In addition to our individual fundraising efforts we are hosting a Yard Sale this weekend, thanks to the very generous hospitality of Theresa Stanley for letting us use her front yard for the sale along with giving us a place to keep many items over the past few months. Consider this another plug for the event. If you're in the area please come out and visit us and say hi and make a purchase or donation. Everything is going towards the Canadian Cancer Society. We are all really stoked for this weekend and my fingers are crossed that the weather will be kind to us. (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!)

In other news...I'm getting ready for the fast approaching end of the month and my move. I'm getting very excited and stressed over the idea of moving everything out of here and into another, smaller, space with an even smaller elevator to do the job. This elevator at my new building is like, half -if not 2/3 - the depth of your average elevator so...there is at least one item (ie. my mattress) that will have to get trekked up the 10 floors to my place... sorry AND many many thanks advance to the friends and family that will help make that happen. You get an extra beer, cookie, or heck even a full meal for being the ones who help me make those trips. All my other furniture can be taken apart and brought up in the elevator. I am going to be in serious debt to those who can lend me a hand :)

I've just finished reading "If You Have To Cry, Go Outside" by Kelly Cutrone. If you follow/followed either one of MTV's The Hills and/or The City, you know her as the no b-s'ing, and sometimes scary, brilliant mastermind behind the very successful PR firm People's Revolution. Well this book...was amazing. I love her writing style and I love a lot of what she had to say. Not all of it was applicable to me, but the ideas behind her words and stories pretty much all hit a chord with me in some aspect of my life. It essentially details how she got to where she is, what she had to do to get there and the reminder that one day you can have it all and everything feels right in your life, the next its blown up in your face only for you to realize you weren't really on the path you were meant to be on. But it's ok, because with this new realization, you've been given the chance to make yourself a new path which may be even better than the one you just fell off of. To do something with your life that you are meant for, not only the things that you have been taught to believe you are meant for, but to do the things in your life that enrich your soul because it speaks directly to who you are under all the surface stuff.

I just found it a very positive, motivating and interesting read. It was my own little reminder that with the number of road bumps I've hit lately, that they have all happened for a reason and it's because there are other greater things that are going to come in my life. And I'm working on making them happen.