Thursday, February 18, 2010

A few other things...

Added to my Reading list on the right
What I am currently reading is Natalie MacLean's "Red, White and Drunk All Over". I don't know if it just that I am wine lover myself, but this book is brilliant: it's funny and smart and makes me want to become a wine critic, if not just to enjoy fantastic wines but to also get the chance to travel to all these beautiful spots around the world.

I also added two sites I have been frequenting as of late. Check out the links to the right.
Questionable Content is simply just one of the funniest online comic series I have encountered. If the title doesn't say it all, it's revealed in the cleverly created cast of characters and plot lines. If you check out the site, I earnestly suggest you begin from comic number 1. Not only do you get the full story, but you see the progression of the artists work. There are, however, are over 1500 comics to date, so it might take you a while. This will also cause you to possibly adore it as much as I do.
The other site is a current favourite and may not be up and running if you go looking for it months after this post. It's essentially a live feed set up by a Shiba Inu breeder of some of the cutest puppies ever. What more is there to say?

I suck

I do! I physically cringe when I see my last post dated in October 2009. I will not waste time chidding myself, but just to say that...ouch, I have really let my goal slip away. I can only offer that it can only be blamed on all the wonderful people in my life that keep me busy and away from my computer! (that and my tendencies to procrastinate on everything!)

It feels like I should have so much to say as so much time has gone by - and in fact, there have been changes and new developments since my last post - but it feels like I have nothing to report because life still feels the same.

It feels very much like having lunch with an old friend whether it be weeks, months, even a couple of years since you've seen each other. The moments when you feel like the answer to "So, what's new?" is "....Not much, actually". Maybe it's just the way my life has been going that "not much" is really happening that is reeally new over the span of a few months, even stretching back a couple of years. I am still in the same job I began 7 years ago, with some but little change in my role. I have lived with my lovely roommate for almost 2 years now and things are still going very nicely :) I am still very much in love with the man I met only 10 months ago. It's the day tyo do changes that often go un-remarked because they seem like just that - the day-to-day things that seem like they are of not of much importance to anyone but ourselves.

But you can always start where shall I?

My LIST. The whole driving force behing the creation of my blog!!

- The blog :The list has fallen by the wayside. I can only say - thank goodness I have lots of time...but even that seems to shorten as I think about all the things I want to do. So what can I check off?

- Number 22. Steph and I have hosted several "family" dinner parties with our friends over the past year, and another one is coming up this weekend. The guests often change, but they are all like family. Great good. Great wine. Great company.
- I have also gotten back in taking my health and persoinal weight issues more seriously and putting my gym membership to use. Number 38. I am not going to make any progress if I am not doing anything to cause progress! It has been a slow start but now that I've gone to a few classes at the gym, combined with my once-a-week pole fitness classes, mixed in with other activities like skating, free yoga classes at Lululemon in westboro from time to time, and a home work-out plan (yeah!), I am starting to get back into a routine. I have always run well on routines.
- Ooh I just found another one to check off. Number 72: Do Yoga.
- Number 65, I WON something :) I won a book through a local newspaper only a couple of weeks ago. Thank you Metro News :) The book which I still have yet to read. My roommate, however, snacthed it up I think the second she saw it sitting on the front bench. She devours book like the world is going to run out of them. It is the latest novel by the author of the Time Traveller's Wife. My roomate shared with me that it was a big departure from the Time Traveller's Wife, and the synopsis of it has really got me interested. This is the review I read prior to entering the draw. Thank you, NYTimes :)

More updates to come, this time, I will write again! If not only for myself but for Gen whom I told I would post something the first week in January... In time, I come around!